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"A Day with the Shared Economy"

According to Jeremy Rifkin, author of The End of Species, a futurist, wrote in his book that there is not much that must be owned in life. In an article titled "10 ways to change the world," the U.S. weekly magazine Time introduced "Economy of Community" as one way. "It's a new way to share what you don't need now and reduce expenses," the article argued. 

So what can be shared and what should be owned? I spent a day sharing some of the goods I used, owning something, and wanting to share, looking for an interface with the shared economy. 

I get up at 8 in the morning and wash briefly. Washing tools such as toothbrushes and toothpaste are difficult to use with others, and you will find it difficult to share items that burn out quickly. I wash myself and think for a while in front of the closet. Everything I see in front of me is clothes, but I don't have anything to wear. Finally, wear the shirt again that I wore on the weekend. Come to think of it, I remember hearing about clothing sharing services. It was a service that allows people to borrow and return clothes for 10 days if they pay a certain amount per month. I think I read the article that although I'm not currently a member, I'm reborn as a premium service. It is proof that it is growing. 

<Photo: Clothing Sharing Service The Closet>

I left the house. I climb on my bike with my clothes pressed firmly to keep out of the cold winter wind. I own a bicycle, but when the cold snap is coming soon, I won't be able to ride my bike to work anymore. Whenever I feel the temperature of the morning falling on my skin, I wonder where I should keep this bicycle in a small house all winter. I felt a lot of wear on the back wheel while pedalling hard. If they had been on a hill, they could have relieved the burden of storage and maintenance. Thinking about a small house,the house I live in is not my own either. Like many young people of my age, I have been renting a 16-pyeong house for three years, paying a certain amount of money every month. It would be fortunate if I live with my lover, so I tend to have less monthly rent than the size of the space I use. Come to think of it, using a rented space with a lover is also a sharing of space.

<Photo: Apple Music>

When I get to work, I sit down. The office is largely divided into two spaces, and the front is the Seoul Chang-Up Café, where anyone who wants membership can get a free table and coffee for work. The back space I work in is a co-working space where various companies move in and share space. They spend the day with a shared office, or co-working space, in front of their eyes, representative of space sharing. When I get to work in earnest, I put on earphones and listen to music to improve my concentration. I used to buy CDs and listen to them by ripping them on my computer, but now I pay about 7,600 won (6.99 dollars) a month and listen to music without restriction. While it may be beneficial for consumers to enjoy countless music for an amount that is significantly lower than before, it is bitter to think that the amount paid to producers is surprisingly low. When lunch break comes after work, people pay 7 to 8000 won for their meals at a nearby restaurant. While eating, my colleagues and I talk about how much it costs to eat in this time. I try not to think about the amount of money I spend for lunch in a month. I feel the urge to pack lunch once a week. However, the company quickly gave up because there are no refrigerators that can store meals without damaging them, facilities that can heat or cook food simply, and restaurants that can not disturb others by smelling. If a company has a public kitchen, it would be better to save money and try various meals as well. 

When the waiting time comes, I finish my work and take advantage of a moment to find a place to stay on my trip with my friends. This trip is made up of eight people including me, so it's not easy to find a suitable place to stay. After trying to find out what kind of pension it is, it eventually opens up its application. They send a link to a group messenger and ask their opinions about the three-bedroom house in Gangneung. half the pros and half the opposition Friends who oppose the fact that they are far from tourist sites and their previous experience shows that they are not professional in cleaning conditions or services that can be provided. Proponents argue that, above all, cheaper prices will be more familiar and more convenient because they are more attractive and are closer to home than ordinary pensions. At 6 p.m., turn off the chatting box and get back on the bike. 

As soon as you get home, remove the covers and mattresses immediately. To put on a new winter blanket, you have to wash and store the previously used bedclothes before you can use them again for the next season. While we're doing the laundry, we're also going to wash a blanket of feathers. Put the bed in a large cloth bag and head to the local coin laundry shop. There are washing machines at home, but the blanket cover, mattress cover, and winter blanket are too big to wash at once. After checking the phrase "4,500 won for washing" for 30 minutes, change the bill into coins. Come to think of it, coin laundries are quite old shared economic services. When he was living alone in a rooftop room, he could not put the washing machine on the rooftop, so he had to use a coin laundry shop three blocks away each time. What would it be nice if we had a platform to share the washing machine with the next door? Sitting on a hard chair at the dry cleaner, nodding off the alarm and putting the laundry back into the dryer. Drying should be done for 50 minutes. While we're at it, let's stop by the market and get some groceries. Although the goods sold on the market are quite cheap, most of the time they sell too much for a 1-to-2 household to consume. There's too much spinach for a single person. To solve this problem, I was told that the refrigerator business, which divides extra ingredients in the market, had been running, but it probably didn't go well because there was no trace. 

<Photo: Ride the Ride Sharing Application>

Take a bag of oranges and a packet of kimchi in one hand and take the laundry out of the dryer. It's soft and dry. When you return home, cover up your new blanket and check your Bohemian Rhapsody ticket to view with your mother. It takes 40 minutes to get to Yeongdeungpo Cgv by bus, but it takes only 20 minutes by car. Let's use a transportation service that has been talked about recently. I used to use the call taxi app before, but the first one was quite satisfactory. However, they have recently stopped calling taxis. The reason is that even the most elaborate feedback, such as the review of the use and the horoscope of the car, has become more frequent, with too many cases of being too rude to meet the taxi driver or taking too long to deploy the car. Car sharing and transportation services are 10 to 20 percent more expensive than conventional taxi fares, but instead they are more interested in services that maintain a clean interior of the vehicle and ensure a manual for the customer. 

Because the movie was so fun, I suggest to my friends that it would be fun to watch Queen's live performance next time. The place is our house as always. It is planning to use the beam projector sharing service that it used to watch movies all night again. The beam projector was one of the items that was agonizing over whether to buy it or not, but it disappeared after using beam-sharing service that allows other users to borrow it at a low price. When I get home, I change into comfortable clothes and open a book. I like to read the book again, so I want to buy it and own it whenever possible. As a result, the bookcase is always saturated. If you look through the pages, you will notice the titles of books you haven't read again in the last two years, and university textbooks that you no longer need to write. I am worried about how I should organize my books and fall asleep. 

It is an era of minimalism, whether it is the individual or the unrivaled one. But even with minimalism, or minimal ownership, the biggest problem is probably housing shortage. Recently, I read an article in one-person households that says that consumption of items that you can only have if you own a house is decreasing. The article pointed out that the possibility of frequent relocating makes people hesitate to spend books and furniture. It is yet to be known whether the shared economy will simply be one of the measures to 'go through' these difficulties, or a breakthrough in proposing a whole new life style. But the only certainty is that the shared economy is already approaching life in a way that is familiar to us. And it's close to where many people need better service while maintaining existing consumption levels. Above all, the shared economy, in which human-human connections are established, can expect an unlimited amount of development if consumers actively participate in the efforts to resist consumerism.